
Hong Kong welcomes 21m tourists in first half of the year

Official data shows that Hong Kong welcomed 21 million visitors in the first half of 2024, marking a 64% year-on-year increase. However, visitors spent fewer nights than in 2023.


Hong Kong in 5th place in world’s most competitive economies

Hong Kong rose two positions to fifth in an annual global ranking of the world's most competitive economies, boosted by improved economic performance, which contributed to its rise in the standings.


Hong Kong GDP up 2.7% in Q1

Hong Kong’s economy grew 2.7% in Q1 compared to the year before, according to the government on Friday, with tourism and key business and entertainment events set to boost growth for the remainder of the year.


Hong Kong welcomes 21m tourists in first half of the year

Official data shows that Hong Kong welcomed 21 million visitors in the first half of 2024, marking a 64% year-on-year increase. However, visitors spent fewer nights than in 2023.


Hong Kong in 5th place in world’s most competitive economies

Hong Kong rose two positions to fifth in an annual global ranking of the world's most competitive economies, boosted by improved economic performance, which contributed to its rise in the standings.


Hong Kong GDP up 2.7% in Q1

Hong Kong’s economy grew 2.7% in Q1 compared to the year before, according to the government on Friday, with tourism and key business and entertainment events set to boost growth for the remainder of the year.


Hong Kong forecasts 30% spike in tourism over 'golden week'

The tourism sector in Hong Kong is upbeat over their business prospects during the Labour Day' golden week' holiday in China.


HKMA leaves key rate unchanged at 5.75%

On Thursday, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) opted to maintain its overnight discount window base rate at 5.75%, aligning with the decision of the US Federal Reserve to keep interest rates steady.


Hong Kong’s population hits 7.5 million in 2023

The population of Hong Kong increased 0.4% to 7.5 million in 2023, according to the government, boosted by a net inflow of returning residents and those on residential schemes.


Hong Kong’s economic growth slower-than-predicted in 2023

The Hong Kong economy grew at a slower-than-forecast pace in 2023, highlighting the challenges to the city’s post-Covid recovery as growth is impacted by the slowdown in China and higher interest rates overseas.


Hong Kong retail sales soar as tourism rallies

Hong Kong’s ongoing inbound tourism rally saw retail sales grow for the 12th consecutive month in November, according to official data published on Thursday.


Hong Kong’s Q3 growth slower than forecast

Hong Kong’s economy grew less than forecast between July and September, indicating the post-pandemic rally could be waning.


Hong Kong exports reach the longest run of monthly declines

Exports in Hong Kong in August registered their longest-ever run of monthly declines as weak demand and China’s sluggish recovery continue to weigh on economic growth.


Hong Kong exports fall in July, impacting the economic outlook

Hong Kong’s exports declined in July as weakening global demand and a recovery slowdown in China continued to impact the city’s economy.


Hong Kong forecasts 30% spike in tourism over 'golden week'

The tourism sector in Hong Kong is upbeat over their business prospects during the Labour Day' golden week' holiday in China.


HKMA leaves key rate unchanged at 5.75%

On Thursday, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) opted to maintain its overnight discount window base rate at 5.75%, aligning with the decision of the US Federal Reserve to keep interest rates steady.


Hong Kong’s population hits 7.5 million in 2023

The population of Hong Kong increased 0.4% to 7.5 million in 2023, according to the government, boosted by a net inflow of returning residents and those on residential schemes.


Hong Kong’s economic growth slower-than-predicted in 2023

The Hong Kong economy grew at a slower-than-forecast pace in 2023, highlighting the challenges to the city’s post-Covid recovery as growth is impacted by the slowdown in China and higher interest rates overseas.


Hong Kong retail sales soar as tourism rallies

Hong Kong’s ongoing inbound tourism rally saw retail sales grow for the 12th consecutive month in November, according to official data published on Thursday.

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