
Hong Kong Dollar rally set to peak in July

​​​​​​​The Hong Kong Dollar's gains against the US Dollar are anticipated to peak in July, driven by significant dividend payments from companies listed on the city's stock exchange.


HKMA holds key rate steady at 5.75%

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) kept its base rate the same via the overnight discount window at 5.75% on Thursday, following a move by the Federal Reserve to keep rates unchanged.


Hong Kong banks urged to upskill workers on AI

The central bank of Hong Kong has said artificial intelligence (AI) will redefine financial services in the city, and urges commercial banks to ready themselves for the impending AI revolution.


Hong Kong Dollar rally set to peak in July

​​​​​​​The Hong Kong Dollar's gains against the US Dollar are anticipated to peak in July, driven by significant dividend payments from companies listed on the city's stock exchange.


HKMA holds key rate steady at 5.75%

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) kept its base rate the same via the overnight discount window at 5.75% on Thursday, following a move by the Federal Reserve to keep rates unchanged.


Hong Kong banks urged to upskill workers on AI

The central bank of Hong Kong has said artificial intelligence (AI) will redefine financial services in the city, and urges commercial banks to ready themselves for the impending AI revolution.


House prices rise in Hong Kong in March

Last month private home prices in Hong Kong ended a 10-month decline, rising 1.1% from February, following the city's decision to lift restrictions aimed at bolstering the struggling property market.


Hong Kong's APEC Forum focuses on global supply chain

The APEC China Business Council Hong Kong Forum kicked off on Monday focusing on discussions about stabilising and optimising global industrial and supply chains, as well as advancing sustainable development.


Hong Kong govt. to unveil more steps to boost stock market

Hong Kong's Chief Executive John Lee has announced authorities are contemplating further steps to boost the securities market within the Asian financial hub.


Hong Kong's new home sales hit 11-year top

New home deals reached an 11-year high last month, indicating a potential revival for the property market following the removal of government cooling measures.


Alibaba to invest HK$5bn in Hong Kong's entertainment sector

Chinese multinational tech titan, Alibaba has committed to investing HK$5 billion in Hong Kong's entertainment industry to support its promotion to a global audience.


Hong Kong property sales rise as curbs removed

​​​​​​​The property market in Hong Kong saw a rise in transactions as all additional stamp duties were removed on Wednesday


Hong Kong vows to boost fintech following digital green bonds issuance

Hong Kong’s government has reiterated its commitment to promoting fintech innovation following the issuance of around HK$6 billion worth of digital green bonds.


HK Central Bank leaves rates unchanged

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) left the base rate charged through the overnight discount window the same at 5.75% on Thursday, tracking the Federal Reserve's move to keep rates steady.


House prices rise in Hong Kong in March

Last month private home prices in Hong Kong ended a 10-month decline, rising 1.1% from February, following the city's decision to lift restrictions aimed at bolstering the struggling property market.


Hong Kong's APEC Forum focuses on global supply chain

The APEC China Business Council Hong Kong Forum kicked off on Monday focusing on discussions about stabilising and optimising global industrial and supply chains, as well as advancing sustainable development.


Hong Kong govt. to unveil more steps to boost stock market

Hong Kong's Chief Executive John Lee has announced authorities are contemplating further steps to boost the securities market within the Asian financial hub.


Hong Kong's new home sales hit 11-year top

New home deals reached an 11-year high last month, indicating a potential revival for the property market following the removal of government cooling measures.


Alibaba to invest HK$5bn in Hong Kong's entertainment sector

Chinese multinational tech titan, Alibaba has committed to investing HK$5 billion in Hong Kong's entertainment industry to support its promotion to a global audience.

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