In recent times, with deposit rates remaining at all-time lows and prevailing market instability, it is vital to choose the most cost and tax efficient platform for your hard earned capital.

Whether you are looking to invest for income or for growth, Acuma Hong Kong are able to provide the most appropriate investment solution for you thanks to our unique partnerships with leading financial providers. Guiding you through the process and utilising our exclusive partnerships with global and reputable institutions, we will help you find the right solution to suit your aims and create a sufficiently diverse portfolio.

The most appropriate type of investment will depend upon your individual circumstances and requirements. Our experienced financial advisers will:

  • Review your circumstances, needs, objectives and any existing investments you have
  • Create a personalised suitability report based on your circumstances and objectives
  • Access the whole of the market for the most appropriate investment solutions
  • Explain your options with clarity and transparency

Savings plans need to be as individual as you are and we will work with you to create an investment strategy that suits your needs. By utilising some of the most secure and tax efficient jurisdictions available, we can help you maximise your savings potential.

Through Acuma, you will have access to household names and exclusive offerings from institutions such as Friends Provident, Royal Skandia and Zurich International Life. We provide a wealth of opportunity without adding to the cost of dealing directly with these companies.

Call Acuma Hong Kong today to find out more about investment planning!.

Media contact

Acuma Hong Kong’s Public Relations department deals with all areas of the media and external communications including international, national, regional, local, trade, consumer, print, broadcast, social and online. The department aims to provide a helpful service to journalists, broadcasters and editors, amongst others, and reply to all media enquiries, including urgent enquiries out of hours, within agreed deadlines. Our press office does not have access to client details and will not be able to assist with individual client enquiries. Please contact Acuma Hong Kong’s Head of Public Relations on [email protected] or call +44 2071220925